Monday, January 6, 2020

Questions On Defending The Knowledge Argument - 1091 Words

Robert David Boone Jr. Professor Tyron Goldschmidt Philosophy 111 23 September 2014 Defending the Knowledge Argument There are two main theories that make up the knowledge argument. The first is Physicalism, (or better known as materialism) which is the thesis that â€Å"All facts are dependent upon physical processes.†(Smart) The other main stance taken is property dualism. The thesis of property dualism states that there are â€Å"Non-physical properties of physical substances† (Calef) or that there are physical and mental properties. In this article, I will defend the stance of property dualism by acknowledging objections and replying to these objections to show why the argument for property dualism works. The knowledge argument revolves around the scenario of Mary. Mary is very wise and she knows everything there is to know about â€Å"neurophysiology† which has to do with vision and understanding everything physical when people see things. She has been enclosed in a purely black and white room her whole life and the main questions are: â €Å"What will happen to Mary†¦[when she sees color] and â€Å"Will she learn anything or not?† (Nida-Rà ¼melin) When Mary first sees a red rose for example, she learns something new because she has a new experience for the first time. She has a new feeling and has acquired a new knowledge. This sets up the following for the stance on substance dualism (Gulick 369): 1. â€Å"Mary before her release knows everything physical there is to know about seeing red. 2.Show MoreRelatedThe Apology by Socrates1099 Words   |  4 Pagescorrect. Socrates whole philosophy is that to know knowledge is to have wisdom, and to have wisdom is to know oneself. The people of Athens did not like Socrates due to both the early accusers and late accusers; however, Socrates provides an argument to put these fallacies to rest. 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