Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Catholic Church s Belief System - 880 Words

Representing the Jewish Faith in today’s society, it was fascinating to read in particular about the differences between two forms of Christianity. I used to think that Christianity was one religion, but it is fascinating to find out that it takes many forms and has many different belief systems, just like Judaism. While I do not necessarily â€Å"agree† or â€Å"conform† to either of the faiths, I feel that the if I am purely choosing a faith based on our previous learning, I would take the choice of favoring the Catholic Church’s belief system. The Catholic Church and Lutheranism proclaimed completely different views on the Pope’s power and authority, how Christians should view and concede to God’s treasures and the consequences of sins, and how individuals should practice the religion as a whole. While there are a number of vast differences between these two entities, a few in particular intrigued me, and led me to believe the Catholic Chu rch is more realistic based on what we’ve learned so far in the course. I was really intrigued by Theses 56, which states that â€Å"The treasures of the church, out of which the pope dispenses indulgences, are not sufficiently spoken of or known among the people of Christ† really fascinated my thinking. While it seems as though the Catholic Church promotes the Pope being able to describe and explain the â€Å"riches† of sort that come to those who obey the laws of the Catholic Church, Luther proclaim that true treasures of God cannot be defined by aShow MoreRelatedChristian Church And Its Impact On Society1545 Words   |  7 Pagespeople. Catholic, protestant, Christian, and Islamic churches have all had an effect towards the way their people live, think, and behave. Churches in each society have an effect that positively influences people. 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