Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fast Food Nation - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 264 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/09/24 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Fast Food Essay McDonalds Essay Obesity Essay Did you like this example? Outline I) Introduction: Fast Food Nation is a book in which Eric Schlosser did not hold any detail back. His ideas are very much similar to Hank Cardello who expressed his feelings in his best seller Stuffed and a article labeled Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. All of these topics touch upon the problem of obesity, low wages, and unethical issues. II) Topic Sentence 1: Obesity was on of the most talked about issues within all the texts. -Detail/Example- One out of every three American teenagers is over weight. Detail/Example- Among pre-school age children 2-5 years of age, obesity increased from 5 to 10. 4% between 1976-1980 and 2007-2008 and from 6. 5 to 19. 6% among 6-11 year olds III) Topic Sentence 2: Huge corporations want more profit for themselves so they cheat out their own employees because of their selfish greed. -Detail/Example- McDonalds hire mostly teenagers who will work for low wages. -Detail/Example- Fast Food joints have the lowest paying incomes in t he United Sates. IV) Topic Sentence 3: McDonalds does tell the consumer all the ingredients which go into their food. Detail/Example- Fries in McDonalds contain beef flavoring which angered many vegetarians. -Detail/Example- McDonalds burgers contain as much thirteen hundred calories. V} If we continue to eat away our lives from these fast food joints, our country might become one of the most unhealthiest places to settle. There are man alternatives to fast food but we must spread the word about these unhealthy foods which many of us consume everyday. If we fail, then the phrase stands true; you are what you eat. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Fast Food Nation" essay for you Create order

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Catholic Church s Belief System - 880 Words

Representing the Jewish Faith in today’s society, it was fascinating to read in particular about the differences between two forms of Christianity. I used to think that Christianity was one religion, but it is fascinating to find out that it takes many forms and has many different belief systems, just like Judaism. While I do not necessarily â€Å"agree† or â€Å"conform† to either of the faiths, I feel that the if I am purely choosing a faith based on our previous learning, I would take the choice of favoring the Catholic Church’s belief system. The Catholic Church and Lutheranism proclaimed completely different views on the Pope’s power and authority, how Christians should view and concede to God’s treasures and the consequences of sins, and how individuals should practice the religion as a whole. While there are a number of vast differences between these two entities, a few in particular intrigued me, and led me to believe the Catholic Chu rch is more realistic based on what we’ve learned so far in the course. I was really intrigued by Theses 56, which states that â€Å"The treasures of the church, out of which the pope dispenses indulgences, are not sufficiently spoken of or known among the people of Christ† really fascinated my thinking. While it seems as though the Catholic Church promotes the Pope being able to describe and explain the â€Å"riches† of sort that come to those who obey the laws of the Catholic Church, Luther proclaim that true treasures of God cannot be defined by aShow MoreRelatedChristian Church And Its Impact On Society1545 Words   |  7 Pagespeople. Catholic, protestant, Christian, and Islamic churches have all had an effect towards the way their people live, think, and behave. Churches in each society have an effect that positively influences people. 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But what was theRead MoreNature Of Religion Essay1254 Words   |  6 PagesReligion is defined into three main parts: 1. beliefs and worship: peoples beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life, 2. System: an institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divi ne and 3. Personal beliefs or values: a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by. Each human being has their own view on religion and this is seen throughoutRead MoreA True Education Should Be An Unforgettable Experience967 Words   |  4 Pagesstudent s soul. It should stay with them for the rest of their lives so that they might live in the truth and beauty of God s creation. 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Popes who are in power through association with the church were taking money from the poorRead MoreThe Trial Of Galileo And The Catholic Church987 Words   |  4 PagesIn the Trial of Galileo, The Roman Catholic church is the largest christian church in the Western civilization .The moral aspect concerns salvation. The Catholic Church was directed by the Holy Scripture by the Church Fathers, which provided the means of eternal salvation: those don t renounce the Catholic Church of Catholicism place their souls in peril. Protestantism was an enemy Galileo had encountered but it derives the Catholic Church of converts because it deprives people from the true idealRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation And The Reformation916 Words   |  4 PagesThe Protestant Reformation took place in the 16th century and was a major European movement whose goal was to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. 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I believe that the Catholic Reformation would be better describedRead MoreReligion Is A Complex And Beautiful System1222 Words   |  5 Pagesis a system that many people have come to know as one of worship and faith. As college students, religion is a topic that many of us wonder about, ques tion, and encounter throughout our daily lives. One thing is certain when it comes to religion, there is no ignoring the important role it plays on many individuals lives, communities, nations, and basically in all corners of the world. Each human experiences religion in different ways; it is amazing to be able to observe the variety or beliefs basedRead MoreEssay on Why Is Religion Important?1417 Words   |  6 Pageswhy societies have religions and what functions their belief system has for them. We will also ask if these functions are now out-dated and if religions have any meaningful function in todays world or are they just stained glass windows into a bygone era? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Types of spoofing Free Essays

Chapter 2: Types of Spoofing 2.1 Distributed Denial of Service Attack The IP spoofing is largely used in Distributed denial of service onslaughts ( DDoS ) , in which hackers are concerned with devouring bandwidth and resources by deluging the mark host machine with as many packages as possible in a short span of clip. To efficaciously carry oning the onslaught, hackers spoof beginning IP addresses to do tracing and halting the DDoS every bit hard as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of spoofing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Here the aggressor scans internet and identifies the hosts with known exposures and compromise them to put in onslaught plan and so exploits the exposures to derive the root entree. [ 6 ] 2.2 Non-blind spoofing This type of onslaught takes topographic point when the hacker is on the same subnet as the mark that can see sequence and recognition of every package. This type of spoofing is session commandeering and an aggressor can short-circuit any hallmark steps taken topographic point to construct the connexion. This is achieved by perverting the DataStream of an established connexion, so re-establishing it based on right sequence and acknowledgement Numberss with the onslaught host machine. 2.2 Blind spoofing This type of onslaughts may take topographic point from outside where sequence and acknowledgement Numberss are non approachable. Hackers normally send several packages to the mark host machine in order to try sequence Numberss, which is suited in old yearss. Now a yearss, about every OSs implement random sequence figure coevals for the packages, doing it hard to foretell the sequence figure of packages accurately. If, nevertheless, the sequence figure was compromised, information can be sent to the mark host machine. 2.4 Man in the Middle Attack This onslaught is besides known as connexion oriented highjacking. In this onslaught chiefly the aggressor or the interrupter will assail the legal communicating between two parties and eliminates or modifies the information shared between the two hosts without their cognition. This is how the aggressor will gull a mark host and steal the informations by hammering the original host ‘s individuality. In the TCP communicating desynchronized province is given by connexion oriented highjacking. Desynchronized connexion is that when the package sequence figure varies for the standard package and the expected packet.TCP bed will make up one’s mind whether to buffer the package or fling it depending on the existent value of the standard sequence figure. Packages will be discarded or ignored when the two machines are desynchronized. Attacker may shoot spoofed packages with the exact sequence Numberss and alteration or insert messages to the communicating. By remaining on the com municating way between two hosts attacker can modify or alter packages. Making the desynchronized province in the web is the cardinal construct of this onslaught. [ 12 ] 2.5 Decision Assorted types of IP spoofing and its onslaughts are explained in this chapter. Here we have discussed about four types of burlesquing onslaughts like Distributed Denial of Service Attack, Non-blind spoofing, blind burlesquing and Man-in-the-middle onslaught, and besides how these onslaughts can make jobs to destination machines. Various Security demands are discussed in the following chapter. Chapter 3: Security Requirements 3.1 Network security demands The Internet became the largest public information web, enabling both personal and concern communications worldwide. Day to twenty-four hours the information trafficking is increasing exponentially over the internet universe and besides in the corporate webs. As the engineering is developing the velocity of communicating is increasing via electronic mail ; nomadic workers, telecommuters. Internet is besides used chiefly to link corporate webs to the subdivision offices. As the technolgy developed the use of cyberspace has became more and besides use of different engineerings became more at the same clip security menace besides became more and gave opportunity to more faulties to make at that place the corporations utilizing them should protect and increase the security.The web onslaughts became really serious as they are more effectual for the concerns because they store the of import and sensitive informations, as the personal banking records or the concern and medical studies. If the onslaught is done on such sort of corporates it is really hard to retrieve the doomed informations which besides leads to free the privateness and takes batch of clip to retrieve.The cyberspace would besides be the safest manner to make the concern Despite the dearly-won hazards.For illustration, It is non safe to give the recognition card inside informations to the telemarketer through the phone or even a server in the restaurent this is more hazardous than give the inside informations in the web because security engineering will protect electronic commercialism minutess. The telemarketers and servers may non be that safer or trustworthy because we can non supervise them all the clip. The fright of security jobs could be harmful to concerns as existent security voilates. Due to the misgiving on the cyberspace the fright and the intuition of computing machines still exists.For the administrations that depends on the web will diminish there oppurtunities due to this misgiving. To avoid this security constabularies should be purely taken by the companies and besides instate the precautions that are effective.To protect their clients Organizations should adequately pass on. Companies should take the security stairss to non merely protect there clients from security breaches but besides there employers and the spouses information which are of import for them. Internet, intranet and extranet are used by the employers and the spouses for the efficient and the fast communication.These communicating and the efficiency should be looked after because they are more effectd by the web onslaughts. Attackers do the onslaught straight because this takes the tonss of clip for the employers to retrieve and reconstruct the lost informations and takes much clip even in the web harm control. loss of clip and valuble informations could greatly impact employee effectivity and assurance. The other chief ground for the demand of web security is the Legislation. harmonizing to the serveys conducted by the authorities they came to cognize about the importance of cyberspace for the universes economic position, they besides recognize that the aggressors consequence on the cyber space could besides do the economic harm to the universe. National authoritiess are mounting Torahs to modulate the huge watercourse of electronic information. Companies developed the schemes to procure the day of the month in the safe manner in conformity to set up the ordinances given by government.The companies which does non take security constabularies to protect the information conformity will be voilated and penalized. 3.2 System security demands In these yearss supplying security had became a tough undertaking for all the bisiness and the different administrations. Security must be provided to the clients and the of import informations to safeguard them from the malicious and nonvoluntary leaks.Information is really of import for every endeavor, it may be the usage records or rational belongings. By the CIOs it became possible to clients, employees and spouses to acquire the informations in fraction of seconds.The cost of money besides became more to make all these things.There are three grounds for which this information may fall in hazard they are ( I ) when the concern procedure interruptions down ( two ) employee mistake ( three ) spreads in security. Hazard is so from client and competitory force per unit areas, regulative and corporate conformity, and the lifting cost promotion of informations leaks Information one of the of import resources of fiscal establishment ‘s. To maintain the trust between the spouses or develop the assurance in the clients it is more of import to supply the good security which will be helpful for the good traveling and the repute of the company. At the same clip reliable information is necessary to treat minutess and comfirm client determinations. A fiscal establishment ‘s net income and capital can be affected if the information leaks to unauthorised companies. Information security is one of of import procedure by which an organisation protects and secures its systems, media, and maintain information of import to its operations. The fiscal establishments have a great duties to protect the states fiscal service infrastucture On a wide criterion. The fiscal security of the client will beside s depends on the security provided to the industry systems and its informations.effective security programs should be taken by the Individual fiscal establishments and their service providersfor their operational complexness.there should be a strong and effectual board to keep and take attention of these security policies in order to protect the company from the security menaces or any other malicious attacks.there should be a regular guidance to the administrations on the security precations they take to supply the companies, so that we can acquire the more effectual consequences and can better the administrations security degree aswell. organisations frequently inaccurately recognize information security as status of controls. As the Security is an on-going procedure in overall security stance the status of a fiscal establishment depends on the index. Other indexs include the power of the establishment to continually measure its stance and react appropriately in the face of quickl y changing menaces, engineerings, and concern conditions. A fiscal establishment establishes and maintains truly effectual information security when it continuously integrates procedures, people, and engineering to palliate hazard in conformity with hazard appraisal and acceptable hazard tolerance degrees. By establishing a security procedure fiscal establishments secure there risks they recognizes hazards, forms a strategy to pull off the hazards, implements the strategy, tests the executing, and proctors the ambiance to pull off the hazards. A fiscal establishment outsources all of their information processing. Examiners use this brochure while measuring the fiscal establishment ‘s hazard direction procedure, including the duties, responsibilities, and occupation of the service beginning for information security and the oversight exercised by the fiscal establishment. [ 3 ] 3.3 Information security demands An information security scheme is a program to palliate hazards while staying by with legal, Statutory, internally and contractual developed demands. Typical stairss to constructing a scheme include the definition of control aims, the appraisal and designation of attacks to run into the aims, the choice of controls, prosodies, the constitution of benchmarks and the readying of execution and proving programs. The pick of controls is typically depends on cost comparing of different strategic attacks to minimise the hazard.The cost comparing typically contrasts the costs of different attacks with the possible additions a fiscal establishment could recognize in footings of increased handiness, confidentality or unity of systems and informations. These additions may include reduced fiscal losingss, improved client assurance, regulative conformity and positive audit findings. Any peculiar attack should see the followers Policies, processs and criterions Technology design Resource dedication Testing and Training. For illustration, an establishment ‘s direction may be measuring the right strategic attack to the security supervision of activities for an Internet environment. There are two possible attacks identified for rating. The first attack utilizes a combination of web and host detectors with a staffed supervision centre. The 2nd attack consists of every twenty-four hours entree log scrutiny. The first option is judged much more capable of observing an onslaught in clip to cut down any harm to the establishment and its informations, even though at a much more cost. The added cost is wholly appropriate when establishment processing capablenesss and the client informations are exposed to an onslaught, such as in an Internet banking sphere. The 2nd attack may be suited when the primary hazard is reputational harm, such as when the Web site is non connected to other fiscal establishment systems and if the lone information is protected is an information-only Web site. How to cite Types of spoofing, Essay examples